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ROMATAK 10 4.0


We dedicate our tip of the week to the ROMATAK 10 4.0 manual tacker designed to use four different types of staples and metal brads without the need for adjustment. Compact and robust, it is ideal for all decoration jobs: upholstery, carpentry, window dressing and insulation fixing. The reinforced nylon body ensures a quality product and 2-3 times longer life than the competition. The tacker is equipped with a large support area which ensures high stability during use. The rubber-covered operating handle ensures the user has an ergonomic, comfortable and non-slip grip. The extractable magazine, with spring closing button, allows for quick and easy loading. Available in a practical hangable blister.

We dedicate our tip of the week to the ROMATAK 10 4.0 manual tacker designed to use four different types of staples and metal brads without the need for adjustment. Compact and robust, it is ideal for all decoration jobs: upholstery, carpentry, window dressing and insulation fixing. The reinforced nylon body ensures a quality product and 2-3 times longer life than the competition. The tacker is equipped with a large support area which ensures high stability during use. The rubber-covered operating handle ensures the user has an ergonomic, comfortable and non-slip grip. The extractable magazine, with spring closing button, allows for quick and easy loading. Available in a practical hangable blister.