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Stapling plier Primula 12


We dedicate the tip of the week to Primula 12, a solid, handy and professional stapling plier.

Thanks to its robustness and the large socket surfaces it is ideal for applications that require a higher thickness seam.

The precision mechanics built entirely in steel guarantees excellent operation over time.

The particular plastic coverage makes the seamor extremely versatile in personalization with his own brand.

Accompanied by 400 original Maestri® staples for a read-to-use stapler.

We dedicate the tip of the week to Primula 12, a solid, handy and professional stapling plier.

Thanks to its robustness and the large socket surfaces it is ideal for applications that require a higher thickness seam.

The precision mechanics built entirely in steel guarantees excellent operation over time.

The particular plastic coverage makes the seamor extremely versatile in personalization with his own brand.

Accompanied by 400 original Maestri® staples for a read-to-use stapler.