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Electric Tacker LKT 30


We dedicate the tip of week to the LKT electric tacker, a complementary and alternative series to the pneumatic tacker for work on the spot since it does not require the use of compressors.

Equipped with a prolonged beak is ideal for finishing, upholstery, decoration, flooring and furnishings.
Thanks to the soft touch rubber handle and the automatic power adjustment of the brad, the operator will also be able to shoot in the hardest wood, without straining the hand.
To protect the user's safety, the LKT tacker was designed with a high resistance nylon shell and with a trigger with mechanical block, aimed at avoiding accidental shot.

Available in different models depending on the type of point and application.

LKT is a Made in Italy product.
IMQ certified and in accordance with the CE and Rohs directives.

We dedicate the tip of week to the LKT electric tacker, a complementary and alternative series to the pneumatic tacker for work on the spot since it does not require the use of compressors.

Equipped with a prolonged beak is ideal for finishing, upholstery, decoration, flooring and furnishings.
Thanks to the soft touch rubber handle and the automatic power adjustment of the brad, the operator will also be able to shoot in the hardest wood, without straining the hand.
To protect the user's safety, the LKT tacker was designed with a high resistance nylon shell and with a trigger with mechanical block, aimed at avoiding accidental shot.

Available in different models depending on the type of point and application.

LKT is a Made in Italy product.
IMQ certified and in accordance with the CE and Rohs directives.